• Living Life


    It’s a Sundaze, Sunbathe Kinda Sunday! I’m posting this today; However, it’s actually about yesterday (September 23, 2023/ Tishrei 8, 5784). The Torah and Haftarah readings (Mainly the Haftarah portion). So, Ha’Azinu (Hear/Listen) was the Torah portion (Deuteronomy 32: 1-52) and (2 Samuel 22) was the Haftarah portion! I always get excited whenever I see 2 Samuel 22 is part of the reading because it reminds me of the story behind my name and the Hebrew meaning of it! So, long story short… my mom couldn’t decide if she wanted my first name to be Magan or Leann. So, she was talking to Rayme and asked her what name she…