Living Life

To My Big Sister Rayme!

Y’all know how much I LOVE my RayDay!!! I wrote her a little something today!!! Some flashbacks below!!!

To the girl I still look up to! Growing up I wanted to be just like you! My big sister! Always glamorous, and you love to keep a camera in front of us! My big sister! Known in New Orleans, as Val and Deedy’s oldest girl… Your smile is so bright it can light up the world! My big sister! Never let anyone tilt your crown; and know that you still getting the peoples attention without making a sound! My big sister!

You’re the sunshine, to my rain, the comfort to my pain and my ride or die when I’m going insane! My big sister! R is for radiant because that’s what you are! If in the same place, you could easily blind a star! A is for appreciation, because I truly appreciate you! And I’m so thankful to Adonai that when He created me to be a little sister, He chose me for you! Y is for youth because you drink from the fountain of it! Letting someone treat you below the standards that has been instilled in us? I’ll have none of it. M is for me because we are a forever dynamic duo. We’re still building our dreams, and the Lord and the Parentals supply us with all the tools! E is for everything else because you mean so much to me and I know you know, me and the Parentals👫 will ALWAYS have your back not just now but for eternity!

I love you my RayDay!!! 💕😘💕😘